6-11-22 Demo and Kickstarter Update


The demo on Itch.io was updated from 1.2 to 1.6. There's quite a few unlisted updates in-between; the 1.6 changes include:

    After defeating Lilith:
  • The party must visit Freya in her home before proceeding (various dialogues were updated to reflect this)
  • A new cutscene with a new character was added to Freya's home
  • A new flashback cutscene featuring Ruthea was added after leaving Katti Town - the "end of demo" message was moved here alongside the Kickstarter pitch

If you've already finished the demo, you can still view both scenes by re-entering Katti Town, visiting Freya's house, and leaving Katti Town.

The demo is now (mostly) complete! It will be featured in the Steam Next Fest starting on June 13 as well!

Also, We've passed 50% funding on the Kickstarter! With 18 days to go, there's still plenty of time to make a pledge.

As a reminder, if you plan on buying Absinthia on launch, please consider purchasing a key from the Kickstarter instead - that way you help the game come to life, and the project gets a bigger cut of your money than if you'd bought the game from another platform!

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